My name is Marcel Haan and I love to connect and inspire people - especially people with a passion. That’s what I aim to do with CarArtSpot; connect people around automotive art and promote car art.
For me, this business is a culmination of three of my great passions – art, cars, and people. I have always felt inspired by people who started their own company because they wanted to make a difference. Their entrepreneurship and dedication have inspired me. I started studying on what it was that made them succesful, and learned from people like Darren Hardy and Tony Robbins through their books and courses.
Surprisingly I found that artists and entrepreneurs have a lot in common. They share a drive and passion to create something, something often larger than themselves. They dare to take risks and explore new ground, discover new ways of doing things and present it to the world. They dare to be vulnerable by exposing what they make to the critical eyes of their audience.
They put in the long hours not knowing if it will pay off. But they are driven by a must to create something. The challenge for all these fine automotive artists is that their art is placed in the niche "automotive art", limiting them to get exposure to the general art scene. Their art is rarely found in art museums or in expositions, other than directly car related.
With CarArtSpot I want to help the artists to change this and show the world that automotive art can be fine art as well.
We do so by sharing the stories of the artists, showing their work and promoting it worldwide. I am building CarArtSpot to make this happen but I need your help. Help me by sharing our blogs and posts on social media but more so by letting us know what your vision is. Share your ideas, suggestions and dreams around automotive art with us.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Warm regards,
Marcel Haan
Founder & Owner of CarArtSpot